10 Tips To Speed Up The Performance Of Windows XP

If you are reading this article, I suppose you are still using Windows XP at this very moment. I hope you know that Windows 7 is already out and if you have heard of anything bad about Microsoft Windows Vista, fred not, cause Windows 7 is seriously a lot better than Windows Vista.


How To Add Odd And Even Page Headers To Word 2007 Documents

If you want to format the headers so that when you open the document, page numbers on odd-numbered pages appear on the right, and page numbers on even-numbered pages appear on the left, it can be done with ease.


How To Change The Shape And Shadow Of A Picture In Word 2007

In Word 2007, you can preview a change you’d like to make to a picture before you actually apply it. For example, suppose you would like to see how your 3″ x 5″ photo will look with rounded corners.


How To Use AutoShapes In Word To Type Text In Images

While you can use a text box to add a word or two to your Word document pictures, it is easier to position text typed directly onto the picture itself. While Word does not let you type directly onto a pasted picture, it does let you add text to AutoShapes. By turning your picture into an AutoShape, you can type directly on it.


Let Excel E-mail Your Weekly Reports

If you have to send the same worksheet to a number of people every week, it probably takes you quite awhile to prepare the e-mail. If you have to do this for a number of reports, it can take even longer. Follow these steps to have Excel e-mail the reports for you

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