Assemble Professional Documents with Word 2007 Building Blocks

You can still achieve a professional look by assembling the document from Word 2007′s built-in components.


Tips On Using Microsoft Excel Zoom Feature To Enhance Your Presentation

Last week while helping my customer setup their conference room for more network access for their very important meeting, a few managers was in the room doing some sort of rehearsing for the meeting. Seems that the meeting is really very important to them. Normally of course, I’m not supposed to be there listening or [...]


Proofread Your Word 2007 Documents With A Click Of The Mouse

You can customize how Word proofreads your documents by setting the desired proofreading options before you work on your document.


How To Create A Custom Header For Excel 2007 Spreadsheet

If you are using Microsoft Excel 2003 and below, you’ll know that adding a custom header to your Excel spreadsheet requires you to work with a separate Page Setup window. With the introduction of Microsoft Excel 2007, you are able to work with the header directly on the worksheet itself, just by going to your [...]


Control Text Flow in Word 2003 With Linked Text Boxes

It can be time- and labor-intensive to format columns so the text flows evenly from one column to another, when you’ve already typed and formatted the article text in another Word document, and also formatting a newsletter which is to include the headline article on page one with a picture that takes up most of [...]

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