How To Keep Track Of Worksheet Changes With Excel’s Shared Worksheet Feature

At the end of a quarter, you might distribute a summary sales worksheet to all department heads. To keep track of their changes, insertions, and deletions, you need to designate the workbook as a shared workbook before distribution. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Tools | Share Workbook.
  2. Under the Editing tab, select the check box, and then click OK.

In order to view changes as other users make them to the worksheet, follow these steps:

  1. Open the workbook and go to Tools | Track Changes.
  2. Click Accept Or Reject Changes.
  3. Click the When text box and select Not Yet Reviewed.
  4. Select Everyone from the Who text box.
  5. Click OK.

Excel will walk you through all the changes since the last review. At each change, you can decide whether to keep (accept) or delete (reject) the change.

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